New Zealanders usually commemorate ANZAC Day, rather than Armistice Day , but this year being the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day, both days are being honoured.
Along with many communities, in celebration of the end of WW1, the churches in Riverton will be ringing their bells after 2 mins silence at 11 am. ......but I am also drawn to ponder 'for whom do the bells toll' for me? I am of the generation who have not personally lost any one close and I search for a meaning beyond lament, rememberance and respect. Perhaps it is not so much "whom", but 'what'? What about rooting out evil in my heart? About making the sacrifices needed to let go of grudges, much loved prejuduces and self interest? About pursuing a life that leads to reconcilliation, harmony and promoting the interests of others rather than myself? I think I will ponder this as I listen to the bells on Sunday
Denise Wood
10/11/2018 07:18:35 am
That is beautiful Barbara and like you it is more for What than whom, and I’m sure we can all think and get rid of evil thought we may be hanging on to . “ Let us Forgivel
Barbara Lee
12/11/2018 02:11:18 pm
Thanks, Denise
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Author Barbara Lee
Lives in Te Anau, NZ with husband Bill Lee and Islay the dog. Archives
August 2022